Home Audit of own advertising Internet
Monitoring of advertising in the Internet with all kinds of geo-targeting
We provide an independent audit of the various Internet resources in any region of Russia. Find out what is really happening with your advertisements and assess the quality of work of your contractors!
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You are ready to spend a lot of money on an advertising campaign on the Internet, but have to rely only on the information got from your contractors, as it is difficult to check this type of advertising. Quite a great number of sites have only the automatic geo-targeting (user location), and you can see the live advertising for a particular city or region only using the device that is in the local network of that city or region.
We regularly monitor advertising on various web sites for our own customers and are ready to share this opportunity with you!
Here are some benefits you’ll get by working with us in the field of independent audit of advertising on the Internet:
Objective information
We are a source of independent and objective information since we are not engaged in advertising on the Internet, and do not participate in large advertising business.
High qualification and experience
For over 11 years, we have been providing services for audit of various types of advertising. Among our regular customers there are major companies in Russia. You can read their reviews on our website.
Working with us is convenient
You will be able to monitor the progress of works on control from devices of any types in "online" mode. We want our clients to be at ease that is why we constantly create innovative software products.
Functionality and efficiency
Using our information system, you can flexibly grant the rights to viewing to your local representatives and contractors. Thus, your contractors will be able to take measures as quickly as possible as they see the revealed violations in "online" mode. You will save time, improve efficiency of your advertising campaign, release yourself and your employees from a necessity to transfer the claims from the central office to the contractor’s office and then from the contractor’s office to the representatives and vice versa.
Using the data collected by us, you’ll be able to understand how well your contractors work, where and what violations they commit.
We collect various data on advertising in all regions of Russia. Our resources allow us to track any ad placements anywhere in our country for a few hours.
As practice shows, if the process of advertising on the Internet has no permanent and independent audit, a significant part of placements can either be absent or work with a great number of violations, and money is spent for nothing.
Take advantage of our free offer for a test audit of your Internet advertising by filling out this form and compare it with the report that your advertising contractor submits.